Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

 We hope everyone enjoyed their day with family and friends.

Cortney & Jason

Monday, December 10, 2012


We are all ready for Christmas here at our house. We got the lights put up outside...

Our first Christmas tree trip turned into quite the adventure... we went to Jason's family's land to cut down our own tree and ended up with a 10 foot tree that we planned on cutting down to fit in our house. It ended up being a 5 foot tall Christmas bush that looked like this.

It was pretty bad. So we headed to the mall parking lot and picked up one that fit perfectly in our living room, no cutting required.

I put this bucket together because I needed something tall for the fireplace. It came together pretty nicely for only $15 (plus scraps from our Christmas bush).

Sorry for the blurry iPhone photo.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Pinterest Projects

I was brave enough to attempt two decorating ideas from Pinterest for Christmas this year: the ruffled tree skirt and felted trees.

The first is a ruffled tree skirt, here is the link to the idea from Done Over Decor.  I forgot to take pictures along the way but I used some red felt I had to make a tree skirt template Then I cut and hot glued strips of red fabric and burlap around the felt circle.

The other Pinterest project I attempted was felt pine trees from The Crafted Sparrow (link). These were pretty time consuming but something I could mindlessly do while watching TV.
In Progress

 Here is the final product (I apologize for the blurry cell phone picture).

We are all decorated for Christmas here, I can't wait to show everyone!